Community Options, Inc.
Tag Archives: New York Stock Exchange.
Escolhas de verão de 2017.
Escolhas Verão 2017.
As Opções da Comunidade acreditam na dignidade de cada pessoa e na liberdade de todas as pessoas de experimentar o mais alto grau de autodeterminação. Abraçando essa filosofia, a Community Options oferece serviços de habitação, apoio e assistência para ajudar a capacitar as pessoas com deficiência.
O melhor advogado de Maryland: Governador Hogan.
Governador Larry Hogan. Crédito à Foto: Escritório Executivo do Governador. Fotógrafo: Joe Andrucyk Evento: Bill Signing.
O governador Hogan não só provou ser um dos governantes mais pragmáticos da história de Maryland, mas um advogado astuto para pessoas com deficiência. Ele sabia que ele tinha que se cercar de pessoas dedicadas que prestam serviço público e com profissionais imbatíveis dedicados a melhorar a vida dos cidadãos mais vulneráveis de Maryland. Em paralelo com o vice-secretário Simons, pessoas com deficiências significativas relegadas para viver em uma instituição estadual em Massachusetts, que usa tratamento punitivo, estão retornando para casa.
A Community Options trabalhou com a liderança executiva e departamental de Maryland e tem 12 pequenas casas abertas ou em desenvolvimento para acomodar mais de 40 pessoas com deficiência. O resultado não é apenas cuidados de qualidade, mas também irá criar mais de 100 empregos para cuidadores no estado de Maryland.
Brian Dion, vice-presidente regional, abriu dois escritórios em Maryland e não se concentrou apenas na compra de casas bonitas para os cidadãos recém-devolvidos, mas também para encontrar empregos e serviços de dia úteis. Com a ajuda de Kim Herndon e Madeleine Will, está sendo formado um notável comitê de consultoria empresarial para aumentar a direção e visão para este fantástico grupo de profissionais que estão prontos para implementar apoios para pessoas com deficiência.
Tanisha Thorpe, diretora de crianças Maryland com Brian Dion, vice-presidente regional, Arizona, Maryland, Novo México, Pensilvânia e Utah.
Ainda assim, o conselho de administração sabe que isso não aconteceria sem a força e liderança do governador Hogan. Ele ganhou batalhas pessoais para si mesmo e sempre ajuda os outros a conquistar suas batalhas também.
Robert Stack, presidente & amp; CEO da Community Options com Phil.
Phil foi a primeira pessoa a se mudar para a nossa casa em Maryland. Opções de comunidade agora suporta mais de 60 pessoas nesse estado.
A Academia de Liderança de Opções da Comunidade continua a iluminar o futuro.
A Community Options está empenhada em promover o crescimento profissional da equipe através de oportunidades de treinamento e desenvolvimento. Reconhecemos a necessidade de desenvolver nossa força de banco através de iniciativas de treinamento de liderança e gerenciamento que preparem pessoal para futuros papéis de liderança na organização.
A Leadership Academy é uma iniciativa de planejamento de sucessão de opções da comunidade que busca identificar, treinar e desenvolver funcionários-chave para garantir que a organização tenha um pipeline de futuros líderes. A Academia de Liderança é um programa altamente competitivo de um ano.
A Academia de Liderança está atualmente em sua 4ª rodada de desenvolvimento de 15 funcionários de alto potencial em toda a organização. Até o momento, 42 alunos ativos continuam a avançar a missão da organização através de sua liderança em Opções da Comunidade.
Pensando em comprar flores?
Vaseful Flowers and Gifts é uma loja de flores encantadora que oferece serviços florais de alta qualidade e entrega para qualquer lugar do mundo. Estamos empenhados em servir nossos clientes com os melhores arranjos e presentes florais, apoiados por nossa garantia de 24 horas. Vaseful é de propriedade e operado pela Community Options Enterprises, Inc., uma organização sem fins lucrativos que apóia pessoas com deficiência.
Cookeville Native Inicia o Seu Próprio Negócio de Lawncare.
"Eu adoro ganhar dinheiro e ver o quão bom o jardim cuida de eu cortar a grama", diz Harmon.
Kyle Harmon começou seu negócio de cuidados com gramado com dois metros e um cortador de pressão. Ele expandiu seus serviços com um golpe de erva emprestado emprestado do Coordenador de Garantia de Qualidade das Opções da Comunidade Ryan Vinson. Com tão rápido sucesso e desejo de dar um serviço de alta qualidade, Kyle economizou dinheiro suficiente para comprar um novo.
Um amante do ar livre, Kyle tem gostado de cortar gramados desde uma idade muito jovem. Ele costumava cortar o gramado para seus pais adotivos. Kyle foi encaminhado para Community Options pelo Department of Children's Services, já que ele havia envelhecido quando não podia mais estar no sistema de acolhimento adotivo. Desde que chegou às Opções Comunitárias, ele recebeu um dia de vida apoiado, baseado em comunidade e serviços de emprego apoiados com a organização nacional sem fins lucrativos.
O primeiro cliente de Kyle era seu vizinho, que precisava de alguém para cortar seu gramado a uma taxa razoável. O vizinho já não conseguiu lidar com a manutenção manual de mão-de-obra ou quintal. Kyle e sua equipe principal, Ashley Gentry, apresentaram uma oferta ao vizinho e ganharam a oportunidade. O segundo quintal foi garantido quando um empregado da Community Options procurava alguém para cortar seu quintal inclinado, pois não tinha tempo para lidar com a responsabilidade.
"Eu adoro ganhar dinheiro e ver o quão bom o jardim cuida de eu cortar a grama", diz Harmon.
Ele recebeu um gramado de gramado John Deere por um membro da equipe este ano, permitindo que ele assegure dois estaleiros adicionais. Com o negócio tão bom, Kyle comprou um trailer para transportar seu cortador de grama.
"Kyle ainda está aprendendo a arte de cortar e precisar de direção. Como ele continua a fornecer serviços de corte para seus clientes, ele ganhará mais conhecimento e, eventualmente, será capaz de cortar com pouca ou nenhuma direção de seu treinador de emprego ", disse Jeanette Preece, diretora executiva de opções da Community Cookeville, TN.
Kyle atualmente mantém um total de quatro gramados e espera aumentar esse número para seis até o final do ano. Community Options 'O escritório da Cookeville atende 20 indivíduos com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento, oferece suporte residencial com 10 casas da área e apóia seis indivíduos atualmente empregados na força de trabalho.
Um movimento para a cidade de Nova York marca um novo começo para dois jovens.
Keith Baxter-Young e Andrew Daniels mantêm o contrato de arrendamento para o novo lugar onde mudaram para julho.
A missão das Opções da Comunidade é fornecer suporte para habitação e emprego para indivíduos com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento. No início de julho, Keith Baxter-Young e Andrew Daniels se mudaram para um prédio residencial como companheiros de quarto na seção Harlem da cidade de Nova York, vivendo independentemente pela primeira vez.
Baxter-Young, de 23 anos, veio do sistema de acolhimento em agosto de 2018 depois de morar em Queens. Daniels, 24, morava com sua família em Manhattan até se mudar para as opções da comunidade em setembro de 2018.
New York Office for People with Developmental Disabilities 'Suporte e serviços individuais (ISS) ajuda os adultos com deficiências de desenvolvimento que desejam viver de forma independente. A divisão fornece fundos para pagar os custos de habitação, e de forma limitada, para itens como alimentos, transporte e roupas. O aluguel para a sua nova residência é de US $ 2.000 / mês, com o subsídio pagando $ 1.400, deixando Baxter-Young e Daniels com uma fatura de $ 600 para dividir. Também através do programa, eles receberam US $ 3.000 cada um para custos de instalação para várias despesas, como móveis e taxas de imóveis.
Baxter-Young trabalhou no Target por alguns meses e Daniels está ativamente buscando emprego. Eles foram aprovados para receber 5.200 horas de serviços através de Habilitação / Recreação Comunitária, além de serviços de Insuficiência e Dia de Habilitação.
Nativo de Pittsburgh para assumir o papel integral.
Michele McGregor & # 8211; Vice-Presidente de Avanço da Missão.
A Community Options nomeou Michele McGregor como vice-presidente de avanço da missão.
Em sua nova posição, McGregor será responsável por desenvolvimento de subvenções, treinamento essencial, treinamento de liderança, desenvolvimento de presente individual e principal, bem como implementação de eventos especiais. McGregor trabalhará para criar uma cultura de filantropia dentro das opções da comunidade e fornecer orientação estratégica e supervisão tática para todos os aspectos da captação de recursos e das comunicações.
"Tenho a honra de ter a oportunidade de servir as opções da comunidade como vice-presidente de avanço da missão", disse McGregor. "Durante os meus primeiros seis anos com as Opções da Comunidade, vi, de primeira mão a cada dia, como a dedicação, a devoção e a inovação dessa organização impactaram a vida de tantos de maneira tão profunda e positiva. Neste novo papel, sinto-me orgulhoso de desempenhar um papel fundamental nos nossos esforços para promover os interesses das pessoas com deficiência ".
McGregor juntou-se às Opções da Comunidade em 2018 como Diretor Executivo Assistente em Pittsburgh, PA e em 2018, Michele foi promovido ao Diretor de Estado de Garantia de Qualidade para a Pensilvânia e depois transferiu-se para o Diretor Nacional de Qualidade antes de sua postagem atual.
A Bolsa de Valores de Nova York recebeu executivos e convidados da Community Options, Inc. Para celebrar 10 anos de apoio à habitação e ao emprego a indivíduos com deficiência intelectual e de desenvolvimento na Carolina do Sul, a Community Options terá sua 11ª.
Conferência anual iMatter no Hotel Francis Marion de 24 a 27 de setembro. Para honrar a ocasião, Phil Lian, membro do conselho, tocou a NYSE Opening Bell®.
Opções da comunidade que oferecem serviços de emprego de suporte em Utah.
Dustin Porter, diretor residencial,
Residentes COI de Utah, McKenzie, Trina.
e Cristy com seus pais.
Em março de 2017, a Community Options expandiu os serviços para Utah. Em apenas alguns meses, as Opções da Comunidade fizeram progressos notáveis na provisão de apoio à habitação e ao emprego para pessoas com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento.
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência trabalhando com pessoas com deficiência e serviços de emprego, Shannon Wilkins foi contratado como Diretor de Serviços de Emprego. Utilizando seu conhecimento de programas e relacionamentos estabelecidos com fontes de financiamento, Wilkins cultivou um relacionamento com o Departamento de Reabilitação Vocacional e Divisão de Serviços para Pessoas com Deficiência para oferecer suporte ao emprego. Compartilhando a mesma filosofia progressiva e inclusiva como o estado, as Opções da Comunidade obtiveram apoio financiado para 23 pessoas nos municípios de Salt Lake e Weber de Utah. Uma dessas pessoas, Keanu Unufe, já encontrou emprego.
Keanu Unufe estava prestes a completar 22 anos em maio, resultando em uma perda de apoio estatal e na falta de programas formais. Após a graduação de uma escola de transição de educação prolongada, seus professores e opções de comunidade procuraram emprego potencial. Após uma avaliação das habilidades e habilidades de Keanu, assistência na criação de um currículo e na prática de suas habilidades de entrevista e auto advocacia, ele recebeu uma entrevista com o Walmart como Associado em 15 de maio.
Ele agora trabalha cinco dias por semana e um total de 20 horas. Bem-gostado por seus supervisores e colegas de trabalho, Keanu foi uma adição bem-vinda para a equipe do Walmart.
Campanha inaugural 2017 NYSE - Fotos de eventos.
Campanha inaugural 2017 NYSE - Fotos de eventos.
Crédito da foto: NYSE.
Em 17 de agosto de 2017, Community Options, tocou o Opening Bell na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York.
Campanha de Bell de hoje, CNBC, 17 de agosto de 2018.
Os toques de telefone de hoje são Phil Lian, Membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc. na NYSE, e Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications, na Nasdaq.
CNBC Opening Bell, 17 de agosto de 2017.
Phil Lian, membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc., na NYSE, e Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications no Nasdaq, tocam os sinos de abertura de hoje.
Phil Lian, membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc., na NYSE, e Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications no Nasdaq, tocam os sinos de abertura de hoje. Squawk on the Street.
Community Options, Inc. Anéis O NYSE Opening Bell®
Community Options, Inc. Anéis O NYSE Opening Bell®
O New York Stock Exchange recebe executivos e convidados da Community Options, Inc. para comemorar 10 anos de apoio ao emprego e habitação para pessoas com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento na Carolina do Sul, as Opções da Comunidade realizarão sua 11ª Conferência Anual de iMatter no Hotel Francis Marion de 24 a 27 de setembro. Para honrar a ocasião, Phil Lian, membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc., toca a NYSE Opening Bell®.
2018 NYSE Closing Bell - Event Photos.
2018 NYSE Closing Bell - Event Photos.
Crédito da foto: NYSE.
Em 15 de agosto de 2018, Opções da Comunidade, tocou o Sino de encerramento na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York. Leia mais aqui.
Community Options Comemora 20 Anos de Serviço em Nova York no Record Day na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York.
Community Options Comemora 20 Anos de Serviço em Nova York no Record Day na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York.
Funcionários e convidados da Community Options, Inc. visitam a Bolsa de Valores de Nova York. Max Depelteau (5º a partir da esquerda), um indivíduo servido pela Community Options, Inc., toca o NYSE Closing Bell® para destacar seu 20º aniversário de prestação de serviços em todo o Estado de Nova York. Crédito da foto: NYSE.
PRINCETON, NJ - A National Options, sem fins lucrativos da comunidade, Inc. tocou o Sino de encerramento na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York na segunda-feira, 15 de agosto. As Opções de Comunidade são baseadas em Princeton, NJ e fornecem apoio de habitação e emprego a milhares de indivíduos com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento através da nação.
O participante do Programa Escola para Emprego (STEP) Max Depelteau tocou o Sino de Encerramento para Opções de Comunidade, um dia recorde na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York de 224 anos, enquanto os três principais índices de ações dos EUA terminaram em máximos históricos na segunda-feira (finanças). yahoo / news / wall-street-set-open-slightly-130103300.html)
STEP é um programa de opções da comunidade. STEP é um programa de treinamento de trabalho para jovens adultos com deficiências de desenvolvimento, que estão passando da escola para a força de trabalho. A STEP mitiu com êxito os riscos associados ao subemprego das pessoas com deficiência, preparando, treinando e colocando os participantes em trabalhos significativos.
Max atualmente trabalha dois dias por semana em seu trabalho remunerado na Coordenação de Suporte Experiente como funcionário do escritório e continua a frequentar o programa STEP três dias por semana. O jovem de 24 anos espera bloquear um trabalho remunerado de cinco dias por semana no futuro próximo. Max começou no STEP como estudante do ensino médio do West Windsor Plainsboro High School North.
Dina Casalaspro, Gerente da Empresa de Opções da Comunidade, Dina Casalaspro, Escritora de Subscrição Cherry Watson, Diretora Regional Katie Valle, Diretor Gerente das Empresas de Opções da Comunidade Andrew Park, Diretor do STEP, Meghan Hunter, Especialista em Emprego Donna Orr, Gerente do Programa Caroline Garcia e Membro da Diretoria das Empresas da Comunidade Philip Lian e sua A esposa Joan Mueller também estava à disposição para representar opções da comunidade.
A Community Options celebra o seu 20º ano de serviço no estado de Nova York e realizará uma gala de angariação de fundos na quinta-feira, 6 de outubro, para honrar o marco. A Gala terá lugar no Pier 61 de The Lighthouse, no Chelsea Piers, às 6h. As festividades incluirão cocktails, jantar e um leilão silencioso.
O farol em Chelsea Piers está localizado na rua 23 e West Side Highway, na cidade de Nova York. Para mais informações ou para comprar ingressos, visite 501auctions / nycgala2018.
Sobre as opções da comunidade, Inc .:
Por mais de 25 anos, a Community Options desenvolveu programas de habitação e emprego para pessoas com deficiência - atendendo milhares de pessoas através de 38 escritórios em 10 estados. Opções da comunidade oferece assistência de advocacia para capacitar as pessoas com deficiência porque todas as pessoas - independentemente do nível de habilidade - devem viver e trabalhar na comunidade com dignidade, escolha e autodeterminação.
Community Options, Inc.
Tag Archives: New York Stock Exchange.
Escolhas de verão de 2017.
Escolhas Verão 2017.
As Opções da Comunidade acreditam na dignidade de cada pessoa e na liberdade de todas as pessoas de experimentar o mais alto grau de autodeterminação. Abraçando essa filosofia, a Community Options oferece serviços de habitação, apoio e assistência para ajudar a capacitar as pessoas com deficiência.
O melhor advogado de Maryland: Governador Hogan.
Governador Larry Hogan. Crédito à Foto: Escritório Executivo do Governador. Fotógrafo: Joe Andrucyk Evento: Bill Signing.
O governador Hogan não só provou ser um dos governantes mais pragmáticos da história de Maryland, mas um advogado astuto para pessoas com deficiência. Ele sabia que ele tinha que se cercar de pessoas dedicadas que prestam serviço público e com profissionais imbatíveis dedicados a melhorar a vida dos cidadãos mais vulneráveis de Maryland. Em paralelo com o vice-secretário Simons, pessoas com deficiências significativas relegadas para viver em uma instituição estadual em Massachusetts, que usa tratamento punitivo, estão retornando para casa.
A Community Options trabalhou com a liderança executiva e departamental de Maryland e tem 12 pequenas casas abertas ou em desenvolvimento para acomodar mais de 40 pessoas com deficiência. O resultado não é apenas cuidados de qualidade, mas também irá criar mais de 100 empregos para cuidadores no estado de Maryland.
Brian Dion, vice-presidente regional, abriu dois escritórios em Maryland e não se concentrou apenas na compra de casas bonitas para os cidadãos recém-devolvidos, mas também para encontrar empregos e serviços de dia úteis. Com a ajuda de Kim Herndon e Madeleine Will, está sendo formado um notável comitê de consultoria empresarial para aumentar a direção e visão para este fantástico grupo de profissionais que estão prontos para implementar apoios para pessoas com deficiência.
Tanisha Thorpe, diretora de crianças Maryland com Brian Dion, vice-presidente regional, Arizona, Maryland, Novo México, Pensilvânia e Utah.
Ainda assim, o conselho de administração sabe que isso não aconteceria sem a força e liderança do governador Hogan. Ele ganhou batalhas pessoais para si mesmo e sempre ajuda os outros a conquistar suas batalhas também.
Robert Stack, presidente & amp; CEO da Community Options com Phil.
Phil foi a primeira pessoa a se mudar para a nossa casa em Maryland. Opções de comunidade agora suporta mais de 60 pessoas nesse estado.
A Academia de Liderança de Opções da Comunidade continua a iluminar o futuro.
A Community Options está empenhada em promover o crescimento profissional da equipe através de oportunidades de treinamento e desenvolvimento. Reconhecemos a necessidade de desenvolver nossa força de banco através de iniciativas de treinamento de liderança e gerenciamento que preparem pessoal para futuros papéis de liderança na organização.
A Leadership Academy é uma iniciativa de planejamento de sucessão de opções da comunidade que busca identificar, treinar e desenvolver funcionários-chave para garantir que a organização tenha um pipeline de futuros líderes. A Academia de Liderança é um programa altamente competitivo de um ano.
A Academia de Liderança está atualmente em sua 4ª rodada de desenvolvimento de 15 funcionários de alto potencial em toda a organização. Até o momento, 42 alunos ativos continuam a avançar a missão da organização através de sua liderança em Opções da Comunidade.
Pensando em comprar flores?
Vaseful Flowers and Gifts é uma loja de flores encantadora que oferece serviços florais de alta qualidade e entrega para qualquer lugar do mundo. Estamos empenhados em servir nossos clientes com os melhores arranjos e presentes florais, apoiados por nossa garantia de 24 horas. Vaseful é de propriedade e operado pela Community Options Enterprises, Inc., uma organização sem fins lucrativos que apóia pessoas com deficiência.
Cookeville Native Inicia o Seu Próprio Negócio de Lawncare.
"Eu adoro ganhar dinheiro e ver o quão bom o jardim cuida de eu cortar a grama", diz Harmon.
Kyle Harmon começou seu negócio de cuidados com gramado com dois metros e um cortador de pressão. Ele expandiu seus serviços com um golpe de erva emprestado emprestado do Coordenador de Garantia de Qualidade das Opções da Comunidade Ryan Vinson. Com tão rápido sucesso e desejo de dar um serviço de alta qualidade, Kyle economizou dinheiro suficiente para comprar um novo.
Um amante do ar livre, Kyle tem gostado de cortar gramados desde uma idade muito jovem. Ele costumava cortar o gramado para seus pais adotivos. Kyle foi encaminhado para Community Options pelo Department of Children's Services, já que ele havia envelhecido quando não podia mais estar no sistema de acolhimento adotivo. Desde que chegou às Opções Comunitárias, ele recebeu um dia de vida apoiado, baseado em comunidade e serviços de emprego apoiados com a organização nacional sem fins lucrativos.
O primeiro cliente de Kyle era seu vizinho, que precisava de alguém para cortar seu gramado a uma taxa razoável. O vizinho já não conseguiu lidar com a manutenção manual de mão-de-obra ou quintal. Kyle e sua equipe principal, Ashley Gentry, apresentaram uma oferta ao vizinho e ganharam a oportunidade. O segundo quintal foi garantido quando um empregado da Community Options procurava alguém para cortar seu quintal inclinado, pois não tinha tempo para lidar com a responsabilidade.
"Eu adoro ganhar dinheiro e ver o quão bom o jardim cuida de eu cortar a grama", diz Harmon.
Ele recebeu um gramado de gramado John Deere por um membro da equipe este ano, permitindo que ele assegure dois estaleiros adicionais. Com o negócio tão bom, Kyle comprou um trailer para transportar seu cortador de grama.
"Kyle ainda está aprendendo a arte de cortar e precisar de direção. Como ele continua a fornecer serviços de corte para seus clientes, ele ganhará mais conhecimento e, eventualmente, será capaz de cortar com pouca ou nenhuma direção de seu treinador de emprego ", disse Jeanette Preece, diretora executiva de opções da Community Cookeville, TN.
Kyle atualmente mantém um total de quatro gramados e espera aumentar esse número para seis até o final do ano. Community Options 'O escritório da Cookeville atende 20 indivíduos com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento, oferece suporte residencial com 10 casas da área e apóia seis indivíduos atualmente empregados na força de trabalho.
Um movimento para a cidade de Nova York marca um novo começo para dois jovens.
Keith Baxter-Young e Andrew Daniels mantêm o contrato de arrendamento para o novo lugar onde mudaram para julho.
A missão das Opções da Comunidade é fornecer suporte para habitação e emprego para indivíduos com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento. No início de julho, Keith Baxter-Young e Andrew Daniels se mudaram para um prédio residencial como companheiros de quarto na seção Harlem da cidade de Nova York, vivendo independentemente pela primeira vez.
Baxter-Young, de 23 anos, veio do sistema de acolhimento em agosto de 2018 depois de morar em Queens. Daniels, 24, morava com sua família em Manhattan até se mudar para as opções da comunidade em setembro de 2018.
New York Office for People with Developmental Disabilities 'Suporte e serviços individuais (ISS) ajuda os adultos com deficiências de desenvolvimento que desejam viver de forma independente. A divisão fornece fundos para pagar os custos de habitação, e de forma limitada, para itens como alimentos, transporte e roupas. O aluguel para a sua nova residência é de US $ 2.000 / mês, com o subsídio pagando $ 1.400, deixando Baxter-Young e Daniels com uma fatura de $ 600 para dividir. Também através do programa, eles receberam US $ 3.000 cada um para custos de instalação para várias despesas, como móveis e taxas de imóveis.
Baxter-Young trabalhou no Target por alguns meses e Daniels está ativamente buscando emprego. Eles foram aprovados para receber 5.200 horas de serviços através de Habilitação / Recreação Comunitária, além de serviços de Insuficiência e Dia de Habilitação.
Nativo de Pittsburgh para assumir o papel integral.
Michele McGregor & # 8211; Vice-Presidente de Avanço da Missão.
A Community Options nomeou Michele McGregor como vice-presidente de avanço da missão.
Em sua nova posição, McGregor será responsável por desenvolvimento de subvenções, treinamento essencial, treinamento de liderança, desenvolvimento de presente individual e principal, bem como implementação de eventos especiais. McGregor trabalhará para criar uma cultura de filantropia dentro das opções da comunidade e fornecer orientação estratégica e supervisão tática para todos os aspectos da captação de recursos e das comunicações.
"Tenho a honra de ter a oportunidade de servir as opções da comunidade como vice-presidente de avanço da missão", disse McGregor. "Durante os meus primeiros seis anos com as Opções da Comunidade, vi, de primeira mão a cada dia, como a dedicação, a devoção e a inovação dessa organização impactaram a vida de tantos de maneira tão profunda e positiva. Neste novo papel, sinto-me orgulhoso de desempenhar um papel fundamental nos nossos esforços para promover os interesses das pessoas com deficiência ".
McGregor juntou-se às Opções da Comunidade em 2018 como Diretor Executivo Assistente em Pittsburgh, PA e em 2018, Michele foi promovido ao Diretor de Estado de Garantia de Qualidade para a Pensilvânia e depois transferiu-se para o Diretor Nacional de Qualidade antes de sua postagem atual.
A Bolsa de Valores de Nova York recebeu executivos e convidados da Community Options, Inc. Para celebrar 10 anos de apoio à habitação e ao emprego a indivíduos com deficiência intelectual e de desenvolvimento na Carolina do Sul, a Community Options terá sua 11ª.
Conferência anual iMatter no Hotel Francis Marion de 24 a 27 de setembro. Para honrar a ocasião, Phil Lian, membro do conselho, tocou a NYSE Opening Bell®.
Opções da comunidade que oferecem serviços de emprego de suporte em Utah.
Dustin Porter, diretor residencial,
Residentes COI de Utah, McKenzie, Trina.
e Cristy com seus pais.
Em março de 2017, a Community Options expandiu os serviços para Utah. Em apenas alguns meses, as Opções da Comunidade fizeram progressos notáveis na provisão de apoio à habitação e ao emprego para pessoas com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento.
Com mais de 20 anos de experiência trabalhando com pessoas com deficiência e serviços de emprego, Shannon Wilkins foi contratado como Diretor de Serviços de Emprego. Utilizando seu conhecimento de programas e relacionamentos estabelecidos com fontes de financiamento, Wilkins cultivou um relacionamento com o Departamento de Reabilitação Vocacional e Divisão de Serviços para Pessoas com Deficiência para oferecer suporte ao emprego. Compartilhando a mesma filosofia progressiva e inclusiva como o estado, as Opções da Comunidade obtiveram apoio financiado para 23 pessoas nos municípios de Salt Lake e Weber de Utah. Uma dessas pessoas, Keanu Unufe, já encontrou emprego.
Keanu Unufe estava prestes a completar 22 anos em maio, resultando em uma perda de apoio estatal e na falta de programas formais. Após a graduação de uma escola de transição de educação prolongada, seus professores e opções de comunidade procuraram emprego potencial. Após uma avaliação das habilidades e habilidades de Keanu, assistência na criação de um currículo e na prática de suas habilidades de entrevista e auto advocacia, ele recebeu uma entrevista com o Walmart como Associado em 15 de maio.
Ele agora trabalha cinco dias por semana e um total de 20 horas. Bem-gostado por seus supervisores e colegas de trabalho, Keanu foi uma adição bem-vinda para a equipe do Walmart.
Campanha inaugural 2017 NYSE - Fotos de eventos.
Campanha inaugural 2017 NYSE - Fotos de eventos.
Crédito da foto: NYSE.
Em 17 de agosto de 2017, Community Options, tocou o Opening Bell na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York.
Campanha de Bell de hoje, CNBC, 17 de agosto de 2018.
Os toques de telefone de hoje são Phil Lian, Membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc. na NYSE, e Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications, na Nasdaq.
CNBC Opening Bell, 17 de agosto de 2017.
Phil Lian, membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc., na NYSE, e Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications no Nasdaq, tocam os sinos de abertura de hoje.
Phil Lian, membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc., na NYSE, e Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications no Nasdaq, tocam os sinos de abertura de hoje. Squawk on the Street.
Community Options, Inc. Anéis O NYSE Opening Bell®
Community Options, Inc. Anéis O NYSE Opening Bell®
O New York Stock Exchange recebe executivos e convidados da Community Options, Inc. para comemorar 10 anos de apoio ao emprego e habitação para pessoas com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento na Carolina do Sul, as Opções da Comunidade realizarão sua 11ª Conferência Anual de iMatter no Hotel Francis Marion de 24 a 27 de setembro. Para honrar a ocasião, Phil Lian, membro do Conselho, da Community Options, Inc., toca a NYSE Opening Bell®.
2018 NYSE Closing Bell - Event Photos.
2018 NYSE Closing Bell - Event Photos.
Crédito da foto: NYSE.
Em 15 de agosto de 2018, Opções da Comunidade, tocou o Sino de encerramento na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York. Leia mais aqui.
Community Options Comemora 20 Anos de Serviço em Nova York no Record Day na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York.
Community Options Comemora 20 Anos de Serviço em Nova York no Record Day na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York.
Funcionários e convidados da Community Options, Inc. visitam a Bolsa de Valores de Nova York. Max Depelteau (5º a partir da esquerda), um indivíduo servido pela Community Options, Inc., toca o NYSE Closing Bell® para destacar seu 20º aniversário de prestação de serviços em todo o Estado de Nova York. Crédito da foto: NYSE.
PRINCETON, NJ - A National Options, sem fins lucrativos da comunidade, Inc. tocou o Sino de encerramento na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York na segunda-feira, 15 de agosto. As Opções de Comunidade são baseadas em Princeton, NJ e fornecem apoio de habitação e emprego a milhares de indivíduos com deficiências intelectuais e de desenvolvimento através da nação.
O participante do Programa Escola para Emprego (STEP) Max Depelteau tocou o Sino de Encerramento para Opções de Comunidade, um dia recorde na Bolsa de Valores de Nova York de 224 anos, enquanto os três principais índices de ações dos EUA terminaram em máximos históricos na segunda-feira (finanças). yahoo / news / wall-street-set-open-slightly-130103300.html)
STEP é um programa de opções da comunidade. STEP é um programa de treinamento de trabalho para jovens adultos com deficiências de desenvolvimento, que estão passando da escola para a força de trabalho. A STEP mitiu com êxito os riscos associados ao subemprego das pessoas com deficiência, preparando, treinando e colocando os participantes em trabalhos significativos.
Max atualmente trabalha dois dias por semana em seu trabalho remunerado na Coordenação de Suporte Experiente como funcionário do escritório e continua a frequentar o programa STEP três dias por semana. O jovem de 24 anos espera bloquear um trabalho remunerado de cinco dias por semana no futuro próximo. Max começou no STEP como estudante do ensino médio do West Windsor Plainsboro High School North.
Dina Casalaspro, Gerente da Empresa de Opções da Comunidade, Dina Casalaspro, Escritora de Subscrição Cherry Watson, Diretora Regional Katie Valle, Diretor Gerente das Empresas de Opções da Comunidade Andrew Park, Diretor do STEP, Meghan Hunter, Especialista em Emprego Donna Orr, Gerente do Programa Caroline Garcia e Membro da Diretoria das Empresas da Comunidade Philip Lian e sua A esposa Joan Mueller também estava à disposição para representar opções da comunidade.
A Community Options celebra o seu 20º ano de serviço no estado de Nova York e realizará uma gala de angariação de fundos na quinta-feira, 6 de outubro, para honrar o marco. A Gala terá lugar no Pier 61 de The Lighthouse, no Chelsea Piers, às 6h. As festividades incluirão cocktails, jantar e um leilão silencioso.
O farol em Chelsea Piers está localizado na rua 23 e West Side Highway, na cidade de Nova York. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit 501auctions/nycgala2018.
About Community Options, Inc.:
For over 25 years, Community Options has developed housing and employment programs for people with disabilities – serving thousands of people through 38 offices across 10 states. Community Options provides advocacy assistance to empower people with disabilities because all people – regardless of ability level – should live and work in the community with dignity, choice and self-determination.
Community Options, Inc.
Tag Archives: New York Stock Exchange.
Choices 2017 Summer.
Choices Summer 2017.
Community Options believes in the dignity of every person, and in the freedom of all people to experience the highest degree of self-determination. Embracing this philosophy, Community Options provides housing, support services and advocacy assistance to help empower people with disabilities.
The Best Maryland Advocate: Governor Hogan.
Governor Larry Hogan. Photo Credit: Executive Office of the Governor. Photographer: Joe Andrucyk Event: Bill Signing.
Governor Hogan has not only proven to be one of the most pragmatic governors in Maryland’s history, but an astute advocate for persons with disabilities. He knew that he had to surround himself with dedicated people who provide public service, and with unflappable professionals dedicated to improve the lives of Maryland’s most vulnerable citizens. In tandem with Deputy Secretary Simons, persons with significant disabilities relegated to live in a state institution in Massachusetts which uses punitive treatment, are now returning home.
Community Options has worked with the executive and departmental leadership of Maryland and has 12 small homes opened or in development to accommodate over 40 people with disabilities. The result is not only quality care, but will also create over 100 jobs for caregivers in the state of Maryland.
Brian Dion, Regional Vice President, has opened two offices in Maryland and is not only focused on purchasing beautiful homes for the newly returned citizens, but also to find jobs and meaningful day services. With the assistance of Kim Herndon and Madeleine Will, a notable business advisory committee is being formed to augment the direction and vision for this terrific group of professionals who are ready to implement supports for persons with disabilities.
Tanisha Thorpe, the Children’s Director Maryland with Brian Dion, Regional Vice President, Arizona, Maryland, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, and Utah.
Still, the board of directors knows that this would not happen without the fortitude and leadership of Governor Hogan. He has won personal battles for himself and always helps others to win their battles as well.
Robert Stack, President & CEO of Community Options with Phil.
Phil was the first person to move into our Maryland home. Community Options now supports over 60 people in that state.
Community Options Leadership Academy Continues to Brighten the Future.
Community Options is committed to fostering the professional growth of staff through training and development opportunities. We recognize the need of developing our bench strength through leadership and management training initiatives that prepare staff for future leadership roles in the organization.
The Leadership Academy is a Community Options succession planning initiative which seeks to identify, train and develop key employees to ensure the organization has a pipeline of future leaders. The Leadership Academy is a highly competitive one-year program.
The Leadership Academy is currently in its 4th round of developing 15 high potential staff throughout the organization. To date, 42 active alumni continue to advance the mission of the organization through their leadership at Community Options.
Thinking of buying flowers?
Vaseful Flowers and Gifts is a charming flower shop that offers high quality floral services and delivery to anywhere in the world. We are committed to serving our customers with the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by our 24-hour guarantee. Vaseful is owned and operated by Community Options Enterprises, Inc., a non profit organization that supports people with disabilities.
Cookeville Native Starts His Own Lawncare Business.
“I love to make money and see how good the yard looks after I’ve mowed the grass,” says Harmon.
Kyle Harmon started his lawn care business with two yards and a push mower. He expanded his services with a borrowed weed whacker from Community Options Quality Assurance Coordinator Ryan Vinson. With such quick success and a desire to give high quality service, Kyle saved enough money to purchase a new one.
A lover of the outdoors, Kyle has enjoyed mowing lawns from a very young age. He would often mow the lawn for his foster parents. Kyle was referred to Community Options by the Department of Children’s Services, as he had come of age when he could no longer be in the foster care system. Since coming to Community Options, he has received supported living, community-based day and supported employment services with the national nonprofit organization.
Kyle’s first customer was his neighbor, who needed someone to mow his lawn at a reasonable rate. The neighbor could no longer handle the manual labor or yard maintenance. Kyle and his lead staff, Ashley Gentry, submitted a bid to the neighbor and earned the opportunity. The second yard was secured when a Community Options employee was looking for someone to mow his sloped yard, as he lacked the time to handle the responsibility.
“I love to make money and see how good the yard looks after I’ve mowed the grass,” says Harmon.
He was given a John Deere riding lawn mower by a staff member this year, enabling him to secure two additional yards. With business going so well, Kyle purchased a trailer to transport his riding lawn mower.
“Kyle is still learning the art of mowing and needs direction. As he continues to provide mowing services to his customers he will gain more knowledge and eventually be able to mow with little to no direction from his job coach,” said Jeanette Preece, Community Options’ Executive Director of Cookeville, TN.
Kyle currently maintains a total of four lawns and is hoping to increase that number to six by the end of the year. Community Options’ Cookeville office serves 20 individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, provides residential support with 10 area homes and supports six individuals who are currently employed in the workforce.
A Move to New York City Marks a New Beginning For Two Young Men.
Keith Baxter-Young and Andrew Daniels hold up the lease agreement to their new place they moved to in July.
Community Options’ mission is to provide housing and employment support for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities. In early July, Keith Baxter-Young and Andrew Daniels moved into a residential building as roommates in the Harlem section of New York City, living independently for the first time.
Baxter-Young, 23, came from the foster care system in August 2018 after living in Queens. Daniels, 24, had lived with his family in Manhattan until he moved to Community Options in September 2018.
New York Office for People with Developmental Disabilities’ Individual Support and Services (ISS) assists adults with developmental disabilities who wish to live independently. The division provides funds to pay for housing costs, and on a limited basis, for items such as food, transportation and clothing. Rent for their new residence is $2,000/month, with the subsidy paying $1,400, leaving Baxter-Young and Daniels with a $600 bill to split. Also through the program, they received $3,000 each for set up costs for various expenses such as furniture, and real estate fees.
Baxter-Young has worked at Target for a few months and Daniels is actively seeking employment. They were approved to receive 5,200 hours of services through Community Habilitation/Recreation in addition to Employment and Day Habilitation services.
Pittsburgh Native to Take on Integral Role.
Michele McGregor – Vice President of Mission Advancement.
Community Options has appointed Michele McGregor as Vice President of Mission Advancement.
In her new position, McGregor will be responsible for grant development, essential training, leadership training, individual and major gift development as well as special event implementation. McGregor will work to create a culture of philanthropy within Community Options and provide both strategic direction and tactical oversight to all aspects of fundraising and communications.
“I am honored to be offered the opportunity to serve Community Options as Vice President of Mission Advancement,” said McGregor. “During my first six years with Community Options I’ve seen, first hand each day, how this organization’s dedication, devotion and innovation has impacted the lives of so many in such profoundly positive ways. In this new role, I am proud to play a key role in our efforts to promote the interests of people with disabilities.”
McGregor joined Community Options in 2018 as the Assistant Executive Director in Pittsburgh, PA and in 2018, Michele was promoted to the State Director of Quality Assurance for Pennsylvania and then shifted to National Quality Director before her current post.
The New York Stock Exchange welcomed executives and guests of Community Options, Inc. To celebrate 10 years of providing housing and employment support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in South Carolina, Community Options will hold its 11th.
Annual iMatter Conference at the Francis Marion Hotel from September 24-27. To honor the occasion, Phil Lian, Board Member, rang the NYSE Opening Bell®.
Community Options Delivering Supportive Employment Services in Utah.
Dustin Porter, Residential Director,
Utah COI residents, McKenzie, Trina.
and Cristy with their parents.
In March 2017, Community Options expanded services to Utah. In a matter of just a few months, Community Options has made noticeable progress in providing housing and employment supports to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
With over 20 years’ experience working with people with disabilities and employment services, Shannon Wilkins was hired as the Director of Employment Services. Utilizing her knowledge of programs and established relationships with funding sources, Wilkins cultivated a relationship with the Vocational Rehabilitation Department and Division of Services for People with Disabilities to provide employment supports. Sharing the same progressive, inclusive philosophy as the state, Community Options obtained funded support for 23 individuals in the Salt Lake and Weber counties of Utah. One of those individuals, Keanu Unufe, has already found employment.
Keanu Unufe was about to turn 22 in May, resulting in a loss of state-provided support and a lack of formal programs. Upon his graduation from an extended education transition school, his teachers and Community Options searched for potential employment. After an assessment of Keanu’s skills and abilities, assistance in creating a resume and practicing his interviewing skills and self-advocacy, he was offered an interview with Walmart as an Associate on May 15.
He now works five days a week and a total of 20 hours. Well-liked by his supervisors and co-workers, Keanu has been a welcome addition to the Walmart team.
2017 NYSE Opening Bell – Event Photos.
2017 NYSE Opening Bell – Event Photos.
Photo Credit: NYSE.
On August 17, 2017, Community Options, rang the Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange.
Today’s Bell Ringer, CNBC August 17, 2018.
Today’s bell ringers are Phil Lian, Board Member, of Community Options, Inc. at the NYSE, and Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications, at the Nasdaq.
CNBC Opening Bell, August 17, 2017.
Phil Lian, Board Member, of Community Options, Inc., at the NYSE, and Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications at the Nasdaq, ring today’s opening bells.
Phil Lian, Board Member, of Community Options, Inc., at the NYSE, and Mike Massimino, Discovery Communications at the Nasdaq, ring today’s opening bells. Squawk on the Street.
Community Options, Inc. Rings The NYSE Opening Bell®
Community Options, Inc. Rings The NYSE Opening Bell®
The New York Stock Exchange welcomes executives and guests of Community Options, Inc. to celebrate 10 years of providing housing and employment support to individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities in South Carolina, Community Options will hold its 11th Annual iMatter Conference at the Francis Marion Hotel from September 24-27. To honor the occasion, Phil Lian, Board Member, of Community Options, Inc. will ring the NYSE Opening Bell®.
2018 NYSE Closing Bell – Event Photos.
2018 NYSE Closing Bell – Event Photos.
Photo Credit: NYSE.
On August 15, 2018, Community Options, rang the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange. Leia mais aqui.
Community Options Celebrates 20 Years of Service in New York on Record Day at the New York Stock Exchange.
Community Options Celebrates 20 Years of Service in New York on Record Day at the New York Stock Exchange.
Officials and guests of Community Options, Inc. visit the New York Stock Exchange. Max Depelteau (5th from left), an individual served by Community Options, Inc., rings the NYSE Closing Bell® to highlight their 20th Anniversary of providing services throughout NY State. Photo Credit: NYSE.
PRINCETON, NJ – National nonprofit Community Options, Inc. rang the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Monday, August 15. Community Options is based in Princeton, NJ and provides housing and employment support to thousands of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities across the nation.
School to Employment Program (STEP) participant Max Depelteau rang the Closing Bell for Community Options, a record day at the 224-year-old New York Stock Exchange as all three major U. S. stock indexes ended at all-time highs on Monday (finance. yahoo/news/wall-street-set-open-slightly-130103300.html)
STEP is a community Options program. STEP is a job-training program for young adults with developmental disabilities, who are transitioning from school to the workforce. STEP has successfully mitigated the risks associated with the underemployment of people with disabilities by consistently preparing, training, and placing participating participants in meaningful jobs.
Max currently works two days a week at his paid job at Experienced Support Coordination as an office clerk and continues to attend the STEP program three days per week. The 24-year-old is hoping to lock down a five day a week paid job in the near future. Max started in STEP as a high school student from West Windsor Plainsboro High School North.
Community Options Enterprises Managing Director Dina Casalaspro, Grant Writer Cherry Watson, Regional Director Katie Valle, Community Options Enterprises Managing Director Andrew Park, STEP Director Meghan Hunter, Employment Specialist Donna Orr, Program Manager Caroline Garcia and Community Options Enterprises board member Philip Lian and his wife Joan Mueller were also on hand to represent Community Options as well.
Community Options is celebrating its 20 th year of service in the state of New York and will hold a fundraising Gala on Thursday, October 6 to honor the milestone. The Gala will take place at Pier 61 of The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers at 6 p. m. The festivities will include cocktails, dinner and a silent auction.
The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers is located at 23 rd Street and West Side Highway in New York City. For more information or to purchase tickets, visit 501auctions/nycgala2018.
About Community Options, Inc.:
For over 25 years, Community Options has developed housing and employment programs for people with disabilities – serving thousands of people through 38 offices across 10 states. Community Options provides advocacy assistance to empower people with disabilities because all people – regardless of ability level – should live and work in the community with dignity, choice and self-determination.
Community Options, Inc.
Tag Archives: New York Stock Exchange.
2018 NYSE Opening Bell – Event Photos.
2018 NYSE Opening Bell – Fotos de eventos.
Photo Credit: NYSE/Valerie Caviness.
Robert Stack, President of Community Options, Inc., selected Roy King to ring the opening bell at the New York Stock Exchange, Friday January 22, 2018. Read more here.
Metro Community Health Employee to Ring Opening Bell at New York Stock Exchange.
Metro Community Health Employee to Ring Opening Bell at New York Stock Exchange.
Photo Credit: NYSE/Valerie Caviness.
PRINCETON, NJ ( January 21, 2018 ) — Today it was announced that Robert Stack, President of Community Options, selected Roy King to ring the bell at the New York Stock Exchange, Friday January 22.
Roy King, only twenty-six years old, has not had it easy. Growing up with a disability, Roy was in and out of placements throughout his life with no sense of stability.
In 2018, Roy aged out of the Edenwald Center, a residential school, and began receiving services from Community Options, Inc. Community Options, Inc. is one of New Jersey’s largest non-profit corporations whose focus is to help provide community housing, job training, employment, and life-skills experience to those living with disabilities.
Roy, living with three other individuals in a Community Options condominium in Harlem, quickly learned alternative ways to express his frustrations through counseling and with the help of consistent staff and service providers.
With his new skills, Roy identified a prospective employer; a clinic he was attending. Taking initiative, Roy asked if they were hiring. The administrators of the clinic, admiring his persistence and personality, located a program that would provide job coaching and training to Roy.
Now, Roy travels independently to and from his job at Metro Community Health, where he works two days a week as a patient transporter and takes great pride in his key card that allows him to access certain doors in the facility. In addition to his job, Roy participates in a day program run by Community Options where he can learn and develop new skills. Having been the first person to receive services in the program, Roy is the unofficial spokesman.
Roy is always looking out for the best interest of the other individuals and the staff, even assisting in preparing the meals. Roy is known for his delicious salads! He takes great pride in his home and work and says, “I am proud of my good character and the man I have become.”
Community Options currently has five homes in Harlem, servicing fourteen individuals with disabilities in the community. Another home is expected to open in February of this year. The “Day Hab Without Walls” program that Roy attends serves seven individuals and assists them with community inclusion, developing social and communication skills, and vocational skill development.
Community Options strives to make their program and services as effective as possible, while always ensuring the individuals feel dignity and empowerment. To help carry out their mission, Community Options hosts Cupid’s Chase 5K, an annual fundraiser held in 30 cities, including New York City, in 9 states across the country. Cupid’s Chase allows Community Options to raise both funds and awareness for their cause. All runners, walkers and rollers (baby strollers and wheelchairs) are invited to participate on Saturday, February 13, 2018. For more information or to register, visit cupidschase.
About Community Options, Inc.:
For over 25 years, Community Options has developed housing and employment programs for people with disabilities – serving thousands of people through 38 offices across 10 states. Community Options provides advocacy assistance to empower people with disabilities because all people – regardless of ability level – should live and work in the community with dignity, choice and self-determination.
For more information please visit our website: comop and to follow along with the ComOpCares campaign, search #ComOpCares on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
New Jersey Man with Disability Rings Opening Bell at New York Stock Exchange.
New Jersey Man with Disability Rings Opening Bell at New York Stock Exchange.
PRINCETON, NJ – ( January 15, 2018 ) The New York Stock Exchange, noted for its Opening Bell, has hosted celebrities, politicians and foreign diplomats. On January 14, 2018, Robert McCarthy, a man with significant intellectual and other disabilities, rang the Bell.
Born in the Philippines, McCarthy grew up in Hawaii. He then moved to New Jersey to live with his grandfather and then his Aunt and Uncle in Elmwood Park for twenty years. On March 18, 1997,McCarthy became a part of the Community Options family, as he moved into a group home in Pompton Lakes, NJ; a place where he still lives today. After getting settled in at his new home, his cousin Gary hired him to work in the family’s landscaping business. Robert has worked there for the past 16 years.
Community Options, Inc. is a national nonprofit organization that provides housing and employment supports to people with disabilities.
“Robert is one of our inspirational individuals who has lived with us for 18 years! With his contagious laugh and kind heart, he cherishes every moment in his life,” said Community Options Executive Director of Passaic and Sussex counties, Tracy Mendola. “To represent Community Options with this experience has given him memories for a lifetime! We are so proud of him!”
For over 25 years, Community Options has developed housing and employment programs for people with disabilities. Currently the 5th largest non-profit in New Jersey, Community Options operates with a budget over $96 million and serves thousands of people with disabilities through 38 offices across 9 states. Providing advocacy assistance to empower people with disabilities, Community Options believes that all people – regardless of disability level – should live and work in the community with dignity, choice, and self-determination. A registered PVO with USAID, Community Options is also the pioneer of innovative programs for people with disabilities in the Middle East, Russia, and South America. Please visit our website at comop.
Choices 2018 Spring.
CHOICES Spring 2018.
Community Options, Inc. Rings the Closing Bell at the New York Stock Exchange.
David Sweeney, Community Options’ CFO; Lisa Smith, Director Training & Quality Assurance; Megan Fielder, Director of Special Events; Courtney Eidel, VP of HR and Quality Management; Chris Thompson, Executive Director of NYC; Robert Stack, President and CEO; Yihong Dou-Stack; Steve Verba, Managing Director; Maria Bowles, Executive Director for Middlesex County in New Jersey; Tracy Mendola, Executive Director for Passaic/Sussex Counties in New Jersey; Svetlana Repic-Qira, Regional Vice President of New Jersey.
Community Options, Inc. invites you to our 8th Annual iMatter Conference at the Nassau Inn in Princeton, New Jersey.
This year’s conference focuses on quality services provided to individuals with disabilities. The iMatter Conference will get underway on Tuesday at 6 p. m. with a welcome reception. There will be several notable speakers on May 7 and 8. Sue Swenson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services; Jennifer Velez, Commissioner New Jersey Department of Human Services; Michael DuHaime, Partner Mercury Public Strategy & Maggie Moran, President & CEO of M Public Affairs; John Crowley, President and CEO of Amicus will be speaking at the conference.
For more information please email: lisa. smith@comop, or to download a form for registration, please visit: comop and click the events page.
8th Annual iMatter Conference Keynote Speakers.
Sue Swenson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.
Sue Swenson, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Special Education and Rehabilitative Services.
Sue Swenson is deputy assistant secretary for the U. S. Department of Education Office on Special Education and Rehabilitative Services. Swenson previously served as CEO of The Arc of the United States, as executive director of the Kennedy Foundation, and as U. S. commissioner for developmental disabilities in the Clinton administration. Swenson was educated in interdisciplinary humanities at the University of Chicago and holds an MBA from the University of Minnesota. She is the mother of an adult son who has complex disabilities.
Secretary Swenson will discuss proven effective practices, as well as what is new in special education. She will walk the audience through her life as a parent of a person with significant disabilities and her various roles in government.
Jennifer Velez, Esq. Commissioner New Jersey Department of Human Services.
Jennifer Velez, Esq. Commissioner New Jersey Department of Human Services.
Jennifer Velez was confirmed as Commissioner of the NJ Department of Human Services in 2007; re-nominated by Governor Chris Christie and re-confirmed in March 2018. She served as one of the Department’s Deputy Commissioners from January 2006 until her nomination.
DHS has the largest budget in state government, with over 15,000 employees – approximately 75-percent of them serving as direct care workers in the state-run developmental centers and psychiatric hospitals. About one in six New Jersey residents is impacted by the work of DHS.
Commissioner Velez works in partnership with the Administration on initiatives including: Medicaid reform; advancing supported placement of individuals with developmental disabilities and mental illness in the community; creating employment opportunities for people with disabilities; and sustaining the safety-net of services made available for the state’s older population, and individuals and families with low income.
Velez was named First Assistant Child Advocate in the Office of the Child Advocate when it was created in September 2003. Previous to that role, she served as Senior Associate Counsel and Assembly Liaison in the Office of Governor’s Counsel for three Administrations.
John Crowley, President and CEO of Amicus.
John Crowley, President and CEO of Amicus.
John Crowley became president and CEO of Amicus in January 2005, having served as a director since 2004. Previously he was founding president and CEO of Orexigen Therapeutics. Preceding Orexigen, Mr. Crowley was senior vice president at Genzyme Therapeutics, a position he assumed after overseeing the sale of Novazyme Pharmaceuticals to Genzyme in September 2001. Mr. Crowley was the founding president and CEO of Novazyme that was developing a novel treatment for Pompe disease. He previously served in several senior management roles with the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company (BMS), including director of the Executive Committee for the U. S. Medicines Group, director of Business Strategy for the U. S. Pharmaceuticals Group, and director of U. S. Area Marketing for the Neuroscience and Infectious Disease Division.
Mr. Crowley is involved with several charitable and community organizations, including serving as president of the National Tay-Sachs and Allied Diseases Association. He is also on the Research Advisory Board of the national Muscular Dystrophy Association and the Board of Directors of St. Peter’s University Hospital. Mr. Crowley’s involvement with biotechnology stems from the 1998 diagnosis of two of his children with Pompe disease – a fatal neuromuscular disorder. Mr. Crowley and his family have been featured on the cover of The Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, CNBC and The Paula Zahn Show.
The Harrison Ford movie, Extraordinary Measures is based on Crowley family’s quest to save their children.
Mr. Crowley earned his B. S. degree in Foreign Service from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service, his J. D. from the University of Notre Dame Law School and his M. B.A. from Harvard Business School.
Coca Cola presented the Community Service Check to Community Options in Columbia, South Carolina.
Photo includes: Dr. Sharee Smith, Dorothy Goodwin, Executive Director, Theresa Taylor, COBAC Chairperson, and Bryant Sumter, Sales Support Manager for Coca Cola.
Every year, Coca Cola holds a National Day of Service to reach out and help communities in need. On February 22, the staff of Community Options’ Columbia, SC office, COBAC members along with individuals supported and their families signed up and participated in “Serve Your City Day”. Nearly 40 individuals worked together to complete a cleaning and organizing project at the Columbia office. Out of three agencies, Community Options totaled the top number of volunteers. As a result, Coca Cola awarded a $2,5000 check to COI. Bryant Sumter, Sales Support Manager for Coca Cola, presented the award.
Please join us as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary honoring New Jersey’s 48th Governor Thomas H. Kean Thursday, the eighth of May two-thousand fourteen at six o’clock in the evening Morven Museum & Garden 55 Stockton Street, Princeton, New Jersey.
“Community Options has reopened doors and given hope to so many people with developmental disabilities across the country. It is a great honor to be recognized by such a wonderful and credible organization.”
Governor Thomas H. Kean.
Governor Thomas H. Kean was rated among America’s five most effective state leaders by Newsweek magazine; noted for tax cuts that spurred 750,000 new jobs; a federally replicated welfare reform program, landmark environmental policies, and over 30 education reforms. During the Governor’s tenure, many of us witnessed him signing legislation expanding the Division of Mental Retardation to support persons with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Epilepsy, Spina Bifida, Traumatic Brain Injuries and other neurological disabilities. He created the Governor’s Office on Prevention of Mental Retardation and supported the reduction of institutional care of 8,100 people with disabilities to less than 4,200 people, thereby creating the largest development of community based supports in the history of New Jersey.
Morven Museum & Garden is located in the beautiful town of Princeton, New Jersey. This former home of a signer of the Declaration of Independence also served as New Jersey’s first Governor’s Mansion. Morven is the “people’s” place: a National Historic Landmark owned by the State of New Jersey and operated by the non-profit, Historic Morven, Inc.
Robert Stack, President & CEO of Community Options; Governor Thomas H. Kean; Svetlana Repic-Qira Regional Vice President New Jersey & Susan Kryillos, Chair of Community Options’ 25th Gala visit Vanessa at her home in Princeton, NJ.
Community Options is delighted to celebrate its 25th year of service to people with disabilities at this historic home and is honored that such a prestigious elder statesman will celebrate with us on our silver anniversary. The net proceeds of these donations will be applied to the purchase of new homes.
Please join us as we celebrate our 25th Anniversary honoring New Jersey’s 48th Governor Thomas H. Kean.
Thursday, the eighth of May two-thousand fourteen at six o’clock in the evening.
Morven Museum & Garden.
55 Stockton Street, Princeton, New Jersey 08540.
For more information regarding the 25th Anniversary Gala, please contact:
Megan Fielder, Director of Special Events.
To purchase your tickets or to sponsor the event, please visit the following link: comop.
25th Anniversary Gala Committee.
Governor Thomas H. Kean visits with the employees at Presents of Mind, a gift shop owned and operated by Community Options. Retail associates with and without disabilities, gain valuable career experience in retail and store management, have the opportunity to learn point of sale software, soft-selling and customer relations skills, store layout and design, and different forms of presentation and display. Please visit our website: PresentsOfMind.
Susan Doctorian Kyrillos.
NJ Chamber of Commerce John Crowley.
Amicus Therapeutics Delia Donahue, Esq.
Pepper Hamilton LLP Caren Franzini.
Franzini Consulting LLC Gail Gordon, Esq.
Florio Perrucci Steinhardt & Fader LLC Beth Hegberg.
Mendham, NJ David Norcross, Esq.
Rue Insurance Robert Stack.
Community Options, Inc. Steven B. Vitale.
Valley National Bank Dr. Clarence N. York.
Mother’s Day – Sunday May 11, 2018.
Need Mother’s Day ideas? Look no further than Vaseful – we have flowers for Mother’s Day that will suit any style and we offer Mother’s Day flower delivery nationwide! Wish her a Happy Mother’s Day with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, the perfect Mother’s Day gift!
Vaseful Flowers and Gifts, a Community Options Enterprise, is a charming flower shop that offers high quality floral services and delivery to anywhere in the world. While working at Vaseful, employees with and without disabilities learn valuable retail skills such as credit card processing, dictating phone orders, retrieving and processing of orders received through our website, shipping and distribution, inventory management, and of course, floral processing and arranging. We are committed to serving our customers with the finest floral arrangements and gifts, backed by our 24-hour guarantee.
25for25 is a campaign to raise $25,000 for our 25th year anniversary. This will help support individuals with disabilities and create an employment center. Please check out the following link! We greatly appreciate your support!
Choices 2018 Spring.
Choices Spring 2018.
Community Options began with the belief that all persons, regardless of their level of disability, can and should live and work in their community with dignity, choice, and self-determination. Twenty three years later, we are a seventy five million dollar organization that continues to be true to our mission of developing housing and employment opportunities for people with disabilities.
Community Options rings the opening bell at the NYSE.
Longtime supporter holds awareness event.
Mendham, New Jersey.
Beth Hegberg and Alex Leibold.
Longtime board member, Peter Dulligan, Chef-Owner of Griffin’s Bar and Grill prepares hors d’oeuvres at the home of Scott and Alex Leibold.
With only a short period of time to plan, longtime supporter and member of the Community Options Board of Overseers, Beth Hegberg, gathered a committee of friends and neighbors to execute an event to raise awareness about the work of Community Options. Over 75 guests not familiar with our organization were in attendance. Hors d’oeuvres were prepared by Peter Dulligan, chef and owner of Griffin’s Bar and Grill. Peter, who serves as a trustee on the Community Options Board of Directors, donated his time and the cost of the food he prepared. Robert Stack provided a brief informal introduction to the organization and answered questions throughout the evening. The event raised over $4,000 but more importantly, we are grateful to Beth for inviting so many new people to learn about our work and the support people with disabilities need in the state of New Jersey.
Run your Heart Out!
Message from the President.
The purpose of the Cupid’s Chase 5K is to raise awareness about the vast potential of people with disabilities such as autism, cerebral palsy, down syndrome, and traumatic brain injury; potentials that in many instances were historically overlooked and marginalized by the general public.
This year’s Cupid’s Chase National Chair was Geraldo Rivera.
In 1972, Geraldo Rivera, an ABC News reporter at the time, visited the Willowbrook State School on Staten Island in New York, the same facility visited by Robert Kennedy in 1965.The program, Willowbrook: The Last Great Disgrace, was seen by millions of viewers. Mr. Rivera was nationally recognized for his heroic expose of the horrific neglect televised relative to the now closed Willowbrook State School for the Retarded. Historic black and white footage of men and women naked, lying in their own feces, unattended, is an image I will never forget.
It was one of the principal reasons that I decided to devote my life to moving people into more humane settings in which they could receive appropriate care; settings in which people with disabilities would be taught, like any other American, how to find and keep a job; live like any other American in the community and thrive as a human being full of unexplored potentials to be attained throughout the remainder of their lives.
It has been well over 30 years since Mr. Rivera brought this problem into the living room of every American. It has been even longer since Bobby Kennedy came out of that institution and described it as a “snake pit.”
Government officials were embarrassed and ashamed. Over the last 30 years, they pumped trillions of dollars into these large institutions. This was not the answer.
The solution to solving the problems of the abuse and neglect at these large costly institutions is to close them and provide the men and women who are the residents with their basic rights to live in the community. This can be achieved by opening small homes throughout the country and employing the staff who currently care for them at these institutions.
I am proud to write that over the course of the last three decades, many institutions have been closed, however there are currently over 35,000 people warehoused in large institutions. The largest number of people living in institutions are in New Jersey, New York, Texas and Pennsylvania. There are also people still admitted to these costly facilities every year.
Parents with adult children with disabilities need small, community-based affordable programs to help them care for their family members to avoid these costly institutions.
The Community Options’ Cupid’s Chase is one real way to make a difference. All races start with the first step. Each race not only has a registration table for the race, but also a place to make a contribution, sign up for volunteering opportunities and even job applications are available for open positions at Community Options.
In closing, I would like to personally thank all of our volunteers, sponsors and runners who made this years Cupid’s Chase the most successful event to date. Your partnership and generous donations will allow us to continue developing housing and employment services for those who are in need of our assistance through the country.
Next year we will hold our runs in over 29 cities on February 9, 2018!
Please visit our website for further information and help us help others. You can make a difference. You don’t have to run. You can cheer. You can be part of a race to support people with disabilities to live like every other American.
Presidente e CEO.
Thank You to all of our Cupids Chase 5k Chairs!
Annual Spring Event.
As Community Options continues its efforts to empower people with disabilities to make their own choices and experience the highest degree of independence, we turn to you, our friends, to help support this much needed cause. We are now kicking off our annual Spring Event, which will be held on May 18, 2018 at Jasna Polana, in Princeton, New Jersey and invite you to participate.
Far too many people with disabilities languish in our country’s developmental institutions and many more sit on waiting lists in need of services. Utilizing technology and professional training, Community Options helps these individuals move out of these centers, engage in productive work, and participate in their communities.
The funds raised will be applied to staff training and geographic expansion, thus allowing Community Options to serve a greater number of people. Your sponsorship will allow us to continue developing housing and employment services for those who are in need of our assistance.
The money raised is vital to the future of many individuals who desperately await our services. We sincerely hope we can count on your support to make this year’s event a success. By making a tax deductible donation to our Spring Event, you will be directly supporting our goal of promoting inclusion and assisting people with disabilities in leading their own autonomous lives in their communities. Additionally, you will be recognized for your generosity through our website, upcoming newsletter and at the event itself.
Please consider placing a sponsorship ad in our ad journal at the level you feel comfortable, or a monetary donation in any amount you are able to provide. Any size donation will go a long way in assisting our efforts.
For additional information, please contact Kathryn Sampson at (609) 419.4407 x 226.
Thank you for your kind consideration of this request and we look forward to working with you towards our common goal.
We hope to see you at our Spring Event on May 18, 2018.
Delia C. Donahue Spring Event Chairperson.
Delia C. Donahue is an associate in the Princeton office of Pepper Hamilton LLP. Ms. Donahue focuses her practice on finance and other commercial transactions. She regularly represents borrowers and lenders in commercial lending transactions, restructurings and workouts.
Ms. Donahue serves on the board of directors of Community Options, Inc.
Thank you Magyar Bank.
John S. Fitzgerald, President and CEO Magyar Bank, Frank Lankey, Community Relations Specialist Magyar Bank, Victoria Gorman, Vice President and New Brunswick Branch Manager, Robert Stack, President and CEO of Community Options and Jay E. Castillo, President, MagyarBank Charitable Foundation.
Mercer County staff take a moment to pose for a photo with their State of New Jersey License certificates.
Picture from left to right: Tiffany Thomas, Khadijah Brown, Khalilah Smith, Kelly Houston, Talaya Peterson Front row: Cheryl Harris and Sam Nussbaum, Executive Director.
Community Options Thanks Scott and Alex Leibold for your generosity and for hosting the Awareness Party at your lovely home.
Robert Stack speaks to the Guests at the Mendham Home of Scott and Alex Liebold.
Thank you Christy Leibold, daughter of Scott and Alex Leibold.
Thank you to the Committee.
Beth Hegberg.
Chairperson Ginny Gilman Carol Heller Alex Leibold Judy McAndrew Kathryn Oram Ann Terwilliger MaryAnn Tralka Katherine Ungar.
Choices 2009 Winter.
CHOICES Winter 2009.
Community Options Rings in 20 years at the New York Stock Exchange.
Featured in Photo: Larry Leibowitz (NYSE), Thomas Burdick (Trustee), Bright Rajaratnam (Community Options’ Chief Financial Officer), Peter Dulligan (Trustee), Robert Stack (Founder, President and CEO), Paul Hritz (Trustee), Rebecca Bugaj Zak (Reed Smith), Dr. Clarence York (Trustee, Frank Zak (Treasurer), Svetlana Repic-Qira (Community Options’ Regional Vice President for the States of Connecticut and New Jersey).
In celebration of our 20 th anniversary, Community Options, Inc. rang the Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, January 14, 2009.
Community Options Celebrating 20 Years of Dedicated Service to Individuals with Disabilities – May 13-15, 2009.
In celebration of our 20 th Year Anniversary, Community Options, Inc. will be hosting two major events in Princeton, New Jersey. First, Community Options will host its 4 th Annual Conference at the Nassau Inn beginning on Wednesday, May 13, 2009, lasting through Friday, May 15, 2009. The conference will be followed by the 20 th Anniversary Gala that will be held on the evening of Friday, May 15, 2009, at the Governor’s Mansion in Princeton, New Jersey.
Our 4 th Annual Conference will focus on providing quality support services to people with developmental disabilities and traumatic brain injuries. Topics will include employment, entrepreneurial business development, accessible housing, unique program development as well as employee hiring and retention.
Community Options, Inc. is honored to facilitate this nation-wide symposium to promote educational and workforce development opportunities for people with developmental disabilities, their families, advocates, educators and professionals.
This year’s conference will kick off the week’s events leading up to the 20 th Anniversary Gala to celebrate two decades of unparalleled service to people with developmental disabilities.
The Gala will be held at historic Drumthwacket, the New Jersey Governor’s Mansion in Princeton, New Jersey, on the evening of May 15, 2009. Dignitaries and guests from across the nation will gather for an evening of elegant dining, entertainment and noted speakers who will highlight Community Options’ successes. More importantly, this evening will help continue to fund the invaluable programs and services that assist those with developmental disabilities to acquire new skills and fulfill their life’s potential.
Community Options’ mission for the past 20 years has been to develop housing and employment support for people with developmental disabilities. The enduring spirit of Community Options’ mission will continue to inspire change throughout decades and generations to come and we thank you for your support and unyielding efforts in aiding Community Options to realize this milestone.
Fourth Annual Conference – May 13 th -15 th , 2009.
Celebrating 20 years of dedicated service to individuals with disabilities will be held at Princeton’s Nassau Inn.
20 th Anniversary Gala – May 15 th , 2009.
Drumthwacket – The New Jersey Governor’s Mansion.
Volusion Grants Presents of Mind the Gold Level Package to streamline Online Shopping and Web Presence.
Presents of Mind, Community Options Enterprises latest business venture is launching a new online marketing campaign with a generous donation from Volusion.
Founded in 1999, Volusion has received numerous awards for its E-Commerce Software and web hosting. From 2005-08, Volusion has seen over 1900% growth. Clients include The Obama Campaign “08, Disney and The Chicago Tribune. Volusion’s award winning software includes all the features needed to attract and effectively draw customers. Utilizing Volusion will allow Presents of Mind to build an attractive and east to use storefront as well as manage a customer database, emails, inventory, and all financial data.
Presents of Mind is a luxuriously appointed store filled with trendy, classic, and humorous gifts, gourmet foods, local art, and exotic teas. Our retail associates, looking to gain valuable career experience in retail and store management, have the opportunity to learn point of sale software, soft-selling and customer relations skills, retrieving and processing of orders received through our website, inventory management, store layout and design, and different forms of presentation and display. Our store focuses on meeting the demands that our customers deserve. Presents of Mind is located in Mount Olive, NJ.
To shop online, please visit us at presentsofmind.
Growth in Nashville.
Community Options, Inc., of Nashville has reached its largest number of persons supported during November 2008. The office now serves 30 individuals residentally. This is the largest number of persons supported residentially among the operations in Tennessee.
Community Options is the nation’s fastest growing nonprofit organization supporting people with developmental disabilities and while this growth is substantial, the quality of our supports is never compromised. Community Options provides the highest Level of quality support and innovation in all Program design.
In 2009, Community Options, Inc., of Nashville will celebrate its 10 th year in operation!
Cupid’s Chase 5k.
Run with your heart this Valentine’s Day at Princeton University. Proudly sponsored By Community Options, Inc., this 5k Run/Walk will take place at the Jadwin Gymnasium at Princeton University on a certified Course starting at 9am on Saturday, February 14, 2009. To register online visit comop/cupidschase.
George A. Bryant’s Incredible Road to Recovery.
George A. Bryant’s entrepreneurial business and personal life hasn’t been the same since his almost fatal motorcycle accident in May of 2006. The emergency roo9m doctors gave Mr. Bryant slim chance of survival due to his severe brain injury compounded by a lack of blood and oxygen flow to the brain. Nevertheless, thanks to Mr. Bryant’s relentless spirit, he was transferred to the Brain Injury Program at Sunnyview Rehabilitation Hospital in Schenectady, NY, only after three and a half weeks. He remained at Sunnyview for four months, learning how to walk, eat and talk again.
In October of 2006, Mr. Bryant was released from the rehabilitation hospital to return to his home in Binghamton, ANY. Thanks to the support of his family, friends, medical care and COI’s services (all provided to Mr. Bryant at his home) he can more onward. During Mr. Bryant’s phenomenal recovers, which is still in progress and against all odds, Mr. Bryant has re-ignited his zest and love for life. He thrives on moving ahead every day.
George E. Bryant, Mr. Bryant’s father, hopes that “George’s courage will light… pathways with warmth and hope, but most of all with encouragement to believe in (oneself) and to fight as hard as (one) can every hour of every day to regain the life one had before the injuries. George will be the first to tell that, not only can it be done but that it is indeed, within one’s grasp.”
Entrepreneurial Spirit Leads National Nonprofit to 20 Years of Success.
Innovation and the Entrepreneurial Spirit Leads National Nonprofit to 20 Years of Success.
A National Nonprofit Celebrating 20Years of Innovative Housing and Employment Design to the Disabled Princeton, January 26, 2009 : Community Options, Inc. had the privilege and honor of ringing the Opening Bell at the New York Stock Exchange on Wednesday, January 14, 2009 to commemorate our 20th Year Anniversary. Community Options is not your typical nonprofit organization. Started from humble beginnings, President and CEO, Robert Stack has grown the organization to great heights and unparalleled success. Developing innovative housing and employment support for people with developmental disabilities across the country is our area of expertise and should be looked upon by the disability field as a resource and serious potential partner for both nonprofit and for profit sectors of business.
With 23 regional offices throughout New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Texas and New Mexico, Community Options has remained vigilant in its founding mission and cause - to develop housing and employment opportunities for people with developmental disabilities. We consider ourselves the fastest growing nonprofit organization supporting people with developmental disabilities and while this growth is substantial, the quality of our supports is never compromised. Community Options provides the highest level of quality support and innovation in all program design.
Featured in the below photo are Larry Leibowitz (NYSE) Thomas Burdick (Trustee), Bright Rajaratnam (CFO), Peter Dulligan (Trustee), Robert Stack (President and CEO), Paul Hritz (Trustee), Rebecca Bugaj Zak (Trustee), Dr. Clarence York (Trustee), Frank Zak (Trustee), Svetlana Repic-Qira (RVP) ringing the Opening Bell at the NYSE on January 14, 2009.
Bolsa de Valores de Nova Iorque.
The New York Stock Exchange, located at 11 Wall Street in New York City, is the world's largest stock exchange by market cap and is often referred to as the "Big Board."
It is owned by the IntercontinentalExchange, which acquired it in November 2018 along with NYSE's complementary stock and options markets, NYSE Arca and NYSE Arca Options. NYSE lists more than 2,400 companies with a collective market cap of $26 trillion. [1]
The NYSE uses a Designated Market Maker (DMM) model in which DMMs have obligations to maintain fair and orderly markets for their assigned securities. They operate both manually and electronically. [2]
The New York Stock Exchange traces its origins to 1792, when 24 New York City stockbrokers and merchants signed what was known as the Buttonwood Agreement, forged under a Buttonwood tree, agreeing to trade securities on a commission basis. [3] They began by trading five securities: three government bonds and two banks stocks. [4]
These early New York brokers eventually established a formal organization, called the New York Stock & Exchange Board ("NYS&EB") in 1817. They rented rooms at 40 Wall street and adopted a constitution with rules for business conduct. The organization became the New York Stock Exchange in 1863.
The NYS&EB moved to temporary headquarters in 1835 after a fire destroyed more than 700 buildings in lower Manhattan.
In 1857, panic hit the markets after the collapse of the Ohio Life Insurance & Trust Company. Stock prices dropped 8 to 10% during a single trading session. As a result of the "Panic of 1857", stock prices slumped 45% since the first of the year.
Following the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, the NYS&EB suspended trading in securities of the seceding Southern states.
In 1865 the New York Stock Exchange moved to 10-12 Broad Street, just south of Wall Street. That same year the exchange closed for a week following the assassination of U. S. President Abraham Lincoln.
In 1868, membership at the NYSE became a property right and members could sell their seats. Throughout the exchange's history, membership prices have varied widely: In 1871, a seat sold for $2,780, and in December 2005 a membership sold for a record $4 million.
On Black Friday in 1869 the market fell as a result of speculation in gold.
In 1873, the NYSE closed for 10 days as a result of severe financial panic following the bankruptcy of Jay Cooke & Company, a prominent Philadelphia banking firm.
The Panic of 1907 was triggered by rumors of financial problems at Knickerbocker Trust, a leading New York bank, which in turn triggered a run on banks throughout New York City. This was America's most severe financial crisis to date and it was J. P. Morgan, Sr. who orchestrated a plan to infuse banks with cash and shore up the stock market.
As a result of the outbreak of World War I, the NYSE closed for 4 1/2 months following other securities exchanges around the world. The NYSE shut its doors on July 31, 1914 and was closed for the longest period in exchange history.
In 1929, stock prices fell sharply on October 24 with record volumes. Five days later the market crashed with a new record of 16 million shares traded. October 19, 1929 came to be called "Black Tuesday" and led to the Great Depression.
In 1939, NYSE hired its firm full-time salaried president, William McChesney Martin, Jr.
The war year of 1943 saw women working on the NYSE's trading floor for the first time, ending the tradition of men only.
On November 22, 1963 the exchange closed early to prevent panic selling after the assassination of U. S. President John F. Kennedy.
In 1970, on February 12, Joseph L. Searles, III became the first African-American member of the New York Stock Exchange. [5]
In 1971, the NYSE incorporated itself as a not-for-profit company.
In 1987, the stock market crashed 508 points, the largest one-day drop in the exchange's history. Volume was an unprecedented 604 million shares traded. This is referred to as the Market crash of 1987 or Black Monday.
In 1997, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plummeted 554 points in what was referred to as a flash crash.
On September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks destroyed the World Trade Center. The NYSE closed for four days -- its longest closure since 1933 -- and reopened on September 17, setting a volume record of 2.37 billion shares.
It merged with Euronext N. V. in 2007 to create NYSE Euronext. NYSE Euronext was bought by its former rival the InterContinentalExchange (ICE) in 2018 and in 2018 Euronext was spun off through an IPO. [6]
In early 2017, it was announced that the trading floor of the NYSE MKT exchange, formerly known as the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), would shut down in the second quarter of 2017. When the closure became effective, all trading on the NYSE MKT exchange, which lists and trades around 250 small-cap companies, would be automated, including opening, re-opening, and closing auctions. [7] The open trading floor was replaced by a new trading technology platform known as Pillar that connected all of its equities and options markets, including the NYSE, NYSE MKT, NYSE Arca Equities, NYSE Arca Options, and NYSE Amex Options. [8] NYSE Group completed the rollout of NYSE Pillar matching engines on NYSE Arca in May of 2018.
NYSE Organization.
The exchange was first organized on May 17, 1792. It was incorporated on Feb. 18, 1971 as the New York Stock Exchange, Inc., a not-for-profit corporation. It was established as a for-profit corporation, the NYSE Group, on March 7, 2006. It announced an agreement to combine NYSE and Euronext to "redefine the marketplace for trading cash and derivatives securities, producing significant benefits for shareholders, issuers and users," on June 1, 2006. The creation of NYSE Euronext occurred on Apr. 4, 2007. The NYSE was purchased in November 2018 by the Intercontinental Exchange.
NYSE Firsts and Records.
First member firm to go public: Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, 1970 First member firm to be listed on the NYSE: Merrill Lynch, 1971 Highest price paid for a membership: $4 million on December 2005 Lowest price paid for a membership: $2,750 in 1871 First listed company: Bank of New York, traded under the Buttonwood Tree, 1792 Longest listed company: Con Edison, listed in 1824 as the New York Gas Light Company Oldest listed company: Sotheby's, founded 1744; listed 1990.
NYSE Volume Market Highlights.
Daily share volume (first day over):
1 million - 1886 5 million - 1928 10 million - 1929 (It took one year to double share volume, and another 49 to quintuple it.) 50 million - 1978 100 million - 1982 500 million - 1987 (It took only five years to quintuple share volume, culminating in the stock market crash of Oct. 19, 1987 - the crash was actually fairly short lived compared to the "furor" it caused.) 1 billion - 1997 (It took another 10 years to double share volume.) 2 billion - 2001 3 billion - 2005 4 billion - 2007 5 billion - 2007.
NYSE Highs And Lows.
5,799,792,281 shares on Aug. 16, 2007; lowest volume day: 31 shares on March 16, 1830 Dow Jones Industrial Average biggest single-day jump: 499.19 points, March 16, 2000 Dow Jones Industrial Average biggest single-day drop: 684.81 points, Sept. 17, 2001.
Produtos e serviços.
On May 18, 2018, the NYSE launched a bitcoin index, formally called the NYSE Bitcoin Index (NYXBT). It is the first such index produced by a major exchange. Bloomberg had been providing bitcoin prices quotes since 2018, and various bitcoin exchanges provide their own quotes, as do news sites such as CoinDesk. The index will be made available through NYSE's Global Index Feed and will be free on its website for a limited time. It is intended to serve as a definitive benchmark for valuing the currency. [9]
The exchange received approval from the SEC in May of 2017 to introduce a "speed bump" on one of its trading venues. The move was seen as a direct challenge to IEX, its smaller rival, which pioneered the speed bump. [10] NYSE's bump will allow a delay of 350 micrseconds on NYSE MKT, which will be renamed "NYSE American." [11]
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